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비전공자 미국 CS 석사 가능할까? (3) - Align MS in CS - 입학요건 & 비용 & FAQ

앞서 소개한 Northeastern 대학의 비전공자를 위한 CS 석사 프로그램의 입학요건을 알아보자.

2020/08/07 - [INVESTMENT/Career Investment] - 비전공자 미국 CS 석사 가능할까? (2) - Align MS in CS / Northeastern University


비전공자 미국 CS 석사 가능할까? (2) - Align MS in CS / Northeastern University

비전공자들이 CS (Computer Science) 석사를 갖고 싶어하는 건 비단 한국인들 뿐만이 아닌 것 같다 본토 미국에서도 IT 분야가 워낙 잘 나가다 보니, IT 회사에서 일하고 싶은 많은 비전공자들이 CS 석사



Northeastern University, Boston


입학요건 (General Requirements)

COVID19 Update: 현재 COVID 상황으로 TOEFL 과 IELTS 의 테스트가 어려운 관계로 한시적으로 듀오링고를 통한 영어 점수 제출을 허가함 (While TOEFL and IELTS tests are unavailable due to ETS testing center closures, we will accept the Duolingo English test — with a minimum score of 123 — as proof of English proficiency.)

  • GPA Minimums
    • 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
    • 8.0 on a 10.0 scale
    • 80 on a 100 scale
  • Test Score Minimums
    • English Proficiency Tests for international students
      • TOEFL = 100, or IELTS = 7.5
        • Note: We will not super-score the IELTS or TOEFL.
  • Essays
    • Align applicants are given three essay prompts in lieu of the statement of purpose. Two out of three are required. They are:
      • Essay 1 (250 words): Align students often cite the critical importance of perseverance – the capacity to keep iterating and working a problem. Tell us about a time you had to persevere? How has that shaped your career trajectory?
      • Essay 2 (250 words): Some of our students wish to take their passion and combine it with tech; others wish to leave their past experiences behind and dive head-first into the computer science world. What drives your transition into tech?
      • Optional (250 words): If you believe the above questions have not given you an opportunity to tell us enough about yourself, feel free to use this section to highlight something about yourself you think is essential to understanding who you are and what drives you.
  • Letters of Recommendation
    • For students who are applying directly from undergrad, we recommend 2 academic and 1 professional reference.
    • For students who are applying from the workforce, we recommend 2 professional and 1 academic reference.

학비 (Tuition)

How much is the program?

학비는 얼마인가요??

Current tuition rates are: $1,602 (per credit hour) for MS in CS, MS in CS Align, and MS in AI; $1,509 (per credit hour) for MS in Cybersecurity; $1,665 (per credit hour) for MS in Data Science.  32 credits are required for completion of most MS degrees (note, Align is 44 credits). This is tuition only. Other university associated fees are outlined here or on the Student Financial Services webpage.

... Align 프로그램은 학점 당 1,602 달러 (한화 약 190만원) 으로, 최소 32학점 (Align 프로그램은 44학점) 이 요구되며 이는 학비만을 계산한 것입니다. 그 외 다른 비용은 아래 내용 참고


Student Center Fee (per term, Boston campus only) $70 full-time
  $10 part-time
College of Professional Studies Student Center Fee (per quarter, Boston campus only) $8.25
Student Recreation Fee (per term) $60 full-time
  $30 part-time
College of Professional Studies Student Recreation Fee (per quarter, Boston campus only) $60
Student Activities Fee (per term, Boston campus only) $17
Residential Student Fee (per term) $32
Health and Counseling Fee $225
Health Plan Fee (yearly, optional) Visit the NUSHP website: northeastern.edu/nushp
Parking (per semester, optional) Visit the parking website: masparc.com
International Student Fee $350

그러니까 대충 계산해 보면 (Boston 캠퍼스 / 2년 반 기준) 한화 기준 약 8,600 만원이 나온다.

여기에 학생 대상 보험 & 생활비 까지 해야겠지만 생각보다는 괜찮은 금액!

Tuition   USD KRW (환율 1185원 기준)
Tuition $1,602 * 44 Credit $70,488 약 8,350 만원
Student Center Fee $70 * 10 terms $700  
Student Recreation Fee $60 * 6 quarters $360  
Residential Student Fee $32 * 10 terms $320  
Health and Counseling Fee $225  $225  
International Student Fee $350 $350  
Total (보험 미 포함)   $72,443 약 8,600 만원

*Term: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

*Quarter (10 weeks) : Spring, Fall, Winter


자주 묻는 질문 (FAQ)


아래는 Northeastern 대학교 입학처에서 CS 석사와 관련된 자주 묻는 질문들 (FAQ) 을 정리한 내용.

그 중에서도 Align 프로그램과 관련된 주요 내용만 찾아서 정리해 보려고 한다.




Admissions FAQ (MS) – Khoury College of Computer Sciences

General Program Questions How long are Khoury’s MS programs? All programs within our college take 2-2.5 years to complete. Our programs can be completed in 2 years without co-op. With a co-op, it can take 2.5 years. The difference lies in credit hours an


I majored in ________. Can I apply?

OO 을 전공했는데 지원이 가능한가요?

We do not require any specific undergraduate program in order to apply for our programs, only specific background knowledge and experience. Please review the individual program requirements for the program of interest here.

지원을 위해서 특정 학부 학위를 요구하지 않습니다. 특정 영역의 배경지식과 경험이 있다면 누구나 지원 가능합니다. 개별 프로그램의 지원 요건은 별도로 확인하세요


Are your MS programs STEM certified for post-grad OPT?

졸업하고 나면 STEM 전공 에게 주어지는 OPT 가 나오나요?

Yes, all of our Masters programs are eligible for post-grad OPT.



What happens if I want to switch campuses part of the way through my program?

프로그램 도중에 캠퍼스를 변경할 수 있나요?

Students are eligible to transfer campuses after two semesters of successful study (minimum GPA of 3.0). Students work with academic advisors to initiate and complete the transfer.

두 학기 이상 수료하고 나면 캠퍼스를 변경할 수 있습니다. Academic Advisor 와 상의하세요.


Can I apply to more than one campus?

여러 캠퍼스에 지원할 수 있나요?

Students may list two campuses as their primary and secondary preferences. However, the application serves for all campuses and will be considered for all available locations.

지원 시 두 캠퍼스를 선호하는 캠퍼스를 2위 까지 명시할 수 있음. 하지만 모든 입학지원에 대한 결정은 모든 캠퍼스를 기준으로 진행됨.


Is the GRE required for Align?

GRE 가 필수인가요?


아님! (다른 테스트로도 영어에 대한 Proficiency 만 증명하면 됨)


Can you waive my TOEFL/IELTS?

TOEFL/IELTS 에 대한 Waiver 를 적용해 주나요?

The TOEFL or the IELTS is required of ALL international students. The only circumstances under which it is not required is for international students who received a bachelor’s or doctoral degree from an English-speaking institution, in an English-speaking country. 2+2 programs (in which students spend two years in a non-English-speaking university then transfer to a university in an English-speaking country) do not qualify for a waiver.  Unfortunately, Masters degrees also do not qualify for a TOEFL/IELTS waiver.

모든 국제 학생들은 둘 중 하나를 무조건 제출해야함. 단, 영미권의 학교에서 학부를 졸업한 경우는 제외함. 석사 과정의 경우 Waiver 를 적용해 주지 않음.


Is there a page/word limit for the Statement of Purpose? Does Align have a Statement of Purpose?

학업계획서 작성에 제한이 있나요? Align 프로그램도 학업계획서를 내야 하나요?

The SOP has a maximum of 1000 words (no page limit). Align does not require a SOP and instead has three essay questions that can be found here.


Apply – Align MS in Computer Science Program

Domestic students are defined as: U.S. Citizens, U.S. Dual Citizens, or Green Card holders.  Those students who hold an H4 or other non-immigrant visas are still considered international students and must abide by the international student deadlines. (I


학업계획서는 최대 1000 자로 작성 할 것. Align 프로그램은 학업계획서를 요구하지 않음. 대신 3 가지 에세이 질문에 대한 작성글을 제출해야 함


  • Essay 1 (250 words): Align 프로그램의 학생들은 수료 과정 중에 종종 '인내(문제 해결을 위한 반복적이고 지속적인 노력)'의 중요성에 대해 깨닫곤 합니다. '인내' 를 해야 했던 경험에 대해 이야기하고, 어떻게 그 경험이 커리어에 대한 방향을 바꾸었는지 서술하시오 Align students often cite the critical importance of perseverance – the capacity to keep iterating and working a problem. Tell us about a time you had to persevere? How has that shaped your career trajectory?
  • Essay 2 (250 words): Align 프로그램의 어떤 학생들은 자신이 열정을 가진 분야와 기술을 접목시키기를 바랍니다. 또 다른 학생들은 과거의 경험을 벗어나 컴퓨터 과학 영역에서 새로운 시작을 하기를 바랍니다. 당신을 기술 영역으로 빠져들게 한 것은 무엇인가요? Some of our students wish to take their passion and combine it with tech; others wish to leave their past experiences behind and dive head-first into the computer science world. What drives your transition into tech?
  • Optional (250 words): 만약 위 질문들이 당신에 대해 이야기 하는데 충분하지 않았다면, 자유롭게 당신이 어떤 사람인지, 어떤 목적을 갖고 움직이는지 알기에 중요하다고 생각하는 것에 대해 서술하시오. If you believe the above questions have not given you an opportunity to tell us enough about yourself, feel free to use this section to highlight something about yourself you think is essential to understanding who you are and what drives you.


